Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dan and Carol

Heyyyy, I am still sorry about the whole time issue Mon. I've been here a month and still time is meaningless. That what Eccs. says anyways right..... I hope you both are doing so well. I miss you a lot and Dan I am grateful for you. Dan I know the Lord, Jesus, is going to bless you so much. You are an incrediable guy and I wish you knew how much you mean to me. You are a true example of sacrifice and you just a true example of how a man should walk in faith. I love you man and thanks for being the father I need. Carol, I miss you too, dont think I have forgotten about you. Same with Dan, I miss you wisdom and out look on life. You guys are such a blessing I pray that God just overwhelms you with some much blessings for all the things that you have done, and are doing, and have yet to done, that glorifies the Father. I Miss You Both and love you dearly...

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