Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Church and Youth and Wired

Hey Church, What is up? I hope God is moving and you all are joining Christ on mission. You guys are such a blessing to us and we thank you for all the things you have done to help us serve God here in Dar es Salaam. Church, I know the lord is going to bless you and please know that we are sooooo grateful and humbled and proud to be a member of SFBC. You all have been such a blessing to us and we could never send enough thank you's.

Youth, We hope things arent to raugh. We here some awesome news about what is going on and we am so excited to know that ministry is still taking place. We love you all, an we miss you so much.

Wired, Heyyyyyyyyy, kids. We hope you guys are having soooooooo much fun. Africa is a lot of work but it is so cool. We have been able to do stuff that would just blow you away. We are hope you guys are staying in the word and we thank you so much for your prayers. Because of your prayers and many other prayers we are have opportunities so share Christ to a lot of student, locals and many more. Thank you so much for everything. We love you guys and are praying for you too.

Diane and Campbell

Hey Diane, Happy Birthday!!!!!!! I have a funny feeling things are changing for the best for you. I hope everything is going great. I miss you a ton. Hey Bro, How is things? I hope things are going great man. Stay strong bro, I love you guys.

The gang

Hey all, how are things. I'm glad to here a lot of you went to the beach yesterday. That had to have beem cool. Keep me updated on whats going on, I'll try to have pictures up for you all to see but the internet sucks sooooooo, well just have to see. Matt, thats cool to here that you led college group, you to paula and Tiff. Matt man you amaze me bro. I am very gratefull to know you, and its so cool to here what andhow god is working in you life. You encourage me bro. Joey, how are thing. I hope work doesn't suck, lol... How is that basketball thing going, any awesome news. Man I so excited to know how the Lord is working in you life too man. This trip for you is going to be awesome, man and I cant wait to here more and more about it. Josh like the color, man its so cool to here that a girl, that is cute, likes you. I hope everything works out man and that the lord is glorified. Jason and Kels, lol saw that coming. Thats so cool... I really am happy for you. DUDE, Kat thats so cool to here that you and D' are working on a drama thing for the youth. WOW!!! how flippen cool. Thanks for helping out, you awesome. Amanda, I cant say much, lol. But I do miss those pool bashes, and I hope things are going great. Brittney, is it ney or any? I can never remember. Listen girl, whats up, Im lovn' those pics on F-book. How was that game? Go Rays, we are sooooooo awesome!!! I miss you you too and I hope things aren't to crazy. Listen guys I'm sure you know, we miss you all a whole lot. We are greatful for your friendships and we are praying for you all as you are praying for us. Stay Awesome and please eat some Honey Boneless BBQ wings and Chicken Quesadillas.

Ty and Ams

Hey you two, I hope things are going well man. It was good chatting with you, my team isn't that bad but its cool I dont think I'll have a lot of time to devote to it. How are things, good I hope. I know your on va-ka, so I hope you having a good time. Wow, its been a month, you believe it. Crazy, so how is the college group? I am here some good stuff, I pray that God is blessing that ministry and will use it to glorify Jesus. How cool is that??? I miss ya man, tell the Trips I said hello. Things are doing good here, always could be better, but know reason to complain. I hope things are going well. I miss ya bro. Lov ya man

Jon and Melinda

Hey guys, Whats up? Jon I miss your cooken bro, its just not the same here.... How are you doing? I hope things are looking up back home and that you are doing blessing God everytime, of course.... I miss ya man, the things that you have tought me are really helping me minister ro locals, by loving on them and just letting them know I care. Surprisingly thats all it takes man. I hope things are going well. Man, I miss ya and love you guys.

Dan and Carol

Heyyyy, I am still sorry about the whole time issue Mon. I've been here a month and still time is meaningless. That what Eccs. says anyways right..... I hope you both are doing so well. I miss you a lot and Dan I am grateful for you. Dan I know the Lord, Jesus, is going to bless you so much. You are an incrediable guy and I wish you knew how much you mean to me. You are a true example of sacrifice and you just a true example of how a man should walk in faith. I love you man and thanks for being the father I need. Carol, I miss you too, dont think I have forgotten about you. Same with Dan, I miss you wisdom and out look on life. You guys are such a blessing I pray that God just overwhelms you with some much blessings for all the things that you have done, and are doing, and have yet to done, that glorifies the Father. I Miss You Both and love you dearly...


Hey girl! How are you? I want to let you know Lindsay that I am having a great time and that I am very safe. I have heard great things about how school is going and church, with the youth group, and I am so excited for you. I am pray that you are have such an awesome time and learning so much. How is Mad Beach? Tell mom about unclub, every Wednesday at 9am. I hope you are having a blast and making all kinds of new friends. Im very proud of you and miss you tons, Love little squart.


Hey mom, things are going great here. It has been a month and things are rolling a long. I have been able to see and work, and listen to many people on Tanzania. It really is quite and adventure. I want you to know that I love you and that I am praying for you everyday, for comfort, safety, love, faith, power, and strength to just overwhelm you and the rest of the family. I miss you mom and Love you.....