Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Church and Youth and Wired

Hey Church, What is up? I hope God is moving and you all are joining Christ on mission. You guys are such a blessing to us and we thank you for all the things you have done to help us serve God here in Dar es Salaam. Church, I know the lord is going to bless you and please know that we are sooooo grateful and humbled and proud to be a member of SFBC. You all have been such a blessing to us and we could never send enough thank you's.

Youth, We hope things arent to raugh. We here some awesome news about what is going on and we am so excited to know that ministry is still taking place. We love you all, an we miss you so much.

Wired, Heyyyyyyyyy, kids. We hope you guys are having soooooooo much fun. Africa is a lot of work but it is so cool. We have been able to do stuff that would just blow you away. We are hope you guys are staying in the word and we thank you so much for your prayers. Because of your prayers and many other prayers we are have opportunities so share Christ to a lot of student, locals and many more. Thank you so much for everything. We love you guys and are praying for you too.